Cooperative Faculty of Education Dean
Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity Division of Social Design (Master's Course) Graduate Program in Studies on Community and Human Development Professor
Faculty Profiles
Updated on 2024/07/25
博士(体育科学) ( 2004.7 筑波大学 )
developmental biomechanics
track and field
growth and development
Life Science / Sports sciences
Humanities & Social Sciences / Science education
2014.4 - Present
2002.10 - Present
2002.10 - Present
1983.4 - Present
1983.4 - Present
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会 代議員
2021.6 - 2025.6
Committee type:Academic society
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会 編集委員
2021.4 - 2026.3
日本発育発達学会 理事・編集委員
2018.4 - Present
北関東体育学会 理事長
2018.4 - 2022.3
北関東体育学会 理事・編集委員(2014年度~)
2014.4 - Present
日本体育学会 編集委員
2015.4 - 2018.3
日本陸上競技学会 理事
2002.4 - 2008.3
1992.4 - 1993.1 St. Mary college 文部科学省在外研究員
High School Teacher Specialization License (first and second kind,specialization)
First Kind of Junior High School Teacher License
A longitudinal study on the development of sprint performance in junior sprinters Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Masashi Miyamaru, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, Hiroshi Akima
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 44 ( 4 ) 360 - 371 1999.7
Characteristics of sprint motion in elite elementary school sprinters Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Masashi Miyamaru, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 46 ( 2 ) 179 - 194 2001.3
The optimal sprint distance for elementary school sprinters Reviewed
Kenichi Katoh, Rie Satoh, Toshiko Uchihara, Masaaki Sugita, Kando Kobayashi, Susumu Okano
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 47 ( 3 ) 231 - 241 2002.5
A cross-sectional study on the development of softball throwing motions in elementary school students Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Shotaro Hashimoto, Ken-ichi Sekiguchi, Koji Hayashida, Yasuto Kobayashi
Kitakanto Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 8 3 - 11 2023.3
A kinematics study on characterristics of running motions in infants:comparison with infants in the 1980s Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Yoshie Satoh, Aoi Sugiura, Yasuto Kobayashi, Michiyoshi Ae
Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research 2022 ( 94 ) 87 - 99 2023.3
A study on motor observation ability using a video delay sysytem for fourth- and sixth-grade elementary school students:Standing long jump as a motor task Reviewed
Go Yoshii, Yasuto Kobayashi, Koji Hayashida, Ken-ichi Sekiguchi, Ken-ichi Katoh
Kitakanto Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 7 3 - 10 2022.3
A developmental characteristics of dodge ball throwing motion for second and fourth-grade elementary school students Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Toshinori Murakami, Koji Hayashida, Yasuto Kobayashi
Kitakanto Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 7 11 - 20 2022.3
A kinematics study on the characteristics of throwing movements in young children:comparison with the young children in the 1980s Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Chinatsu Odaka, Yasuto Kobayashi, Michiyoshi Ae
Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research ( 90 ) 1 - 11 2021.5
小学4年生における映像遅延表示装置を用いた運動学習の検討:立ち幅跳びを運動課題として Reviewed
吉井豪 小林育斗 加藤謙一
北関東体育学研究 第6巻 27 - 33 2021.3
Validity of their observation in standing long jumps for elementary school children Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Masahito Shimono
Kitakanto Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 5 3 - 9 2020.3
A study on the order of acquisition of jump movements in young children based on observation and evaluation Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Shota Komori
Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research 86 32 - 43 2020.3
A cross-sectional study on the development of approach run velocity and motion long jump in elementary school students Reviewed
Dai Ozaki, Ken-ichi Katoh, Koji hayashida, Ken-ichi Sekiguchi, Michiyoshi Ae
Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research 82 1 - 13 2019.3
Effects of learning on throwing performance in tee ball classes for fifth grade in elementary school students Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Hironari Satoh, Koji Hayashida, Yasuto Kobayashi, Michiyoshi Ae
Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research 82 34 - 44 2019.3
Classification of overarm throwing motion in Japanese elementary school girls Reviewed
Yasuto Kobayashi, Michiyoshi, Ae, Kenichi Kato
Proceedings of the 36th Coference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports 2018.8
A cross-sectional study on the development of running performance and running motion in high school students Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Yuki Takahashi, Dai Ozaki, Go Yoshii
Ki 3 3 - 11 2018.3
Characteristics of gliding swim and flutter kick motion for second and fourth-grade elementary school chidren Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Saori Takahashi, Yasuto Kobayashi, Michjyoshi Ae
Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research ( 74 ) 56 - 70 2017.3
小学生におけるソフトボール投動作の特徴 Reviewed
陸上競技研究 104 2016.3
Validity of their observational evaluation in forward and backward rolls for elementary school chiidren Reviewed
Ken-ichi Kato, Chika Kawamoto, Michiyoshi Ae, Yasunori Morioka
Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research 1 - 10 2014.8
Sprint motion influencing on decreasing speed of sprinting in junior high school students Reviewed
Ken-ichi Kato, Ryuichiro Shirashi, Tatsuya Mimura
Japan Journal of Studies in Athletics 12 ( 1 ) 11 - 20 2014.3
A study on development of dodgeball-throwing motion in elementary school children Reviewed
Ken-ichi Kato, Yoshimasa Soeno
Japan Journal of Human Growth and Development Research 60 14 - 23 2013.8
The optimal sprint distance for junior high school students Reviewed
93 7 - 14 2013.6
短距離走におけるクラウチングスタートとスタンディングスタートの比較研究 Reviewed
加藤謙一 三村達也
陸上競技研究 ( 81 ) 17 - 27 2010.6
A follow-up study on the development from the walking to running motion in infancy Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Toshiko Fukagawa, Takahiro Ohsuzu, Masashi Miyamaru
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 54 ( 2 ) 307 - 315 2009.12
Effects of practice on sprint performance in physical education classes for junior high school students Reviewed
Satoshi Watanabe, Ken-ichi Katoh
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 51 ( 5 ) 689 - 702 2006.9
Characteristics of Sprint Motions in High School Students Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Masashi Miyamaru
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 51 ( 2 ) 165 - 175 2006.3
小学校における運動遊び・スポーツ指導に関するボランティア活動のニーズ調査Ⅱ Reviewed
子どもと発育発達 2 ( 5 ) 260 - 264 2004.12
小学校における運動遊び・スポーツ指導に関するボランティア活動のニーズ調査Ⅰ Reviewed
子どもと発育発達 2 ( 4 ) 260 - 264 2004.10
Effects of practice on long jump in physical education classes for sixth-grade elementary school children Reviewed
Akinori Dohi, Ken-ichi Katoh, Kanji Akimoto
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 49 ( 5 ) 457 - 469 2004.9
A longitudinal study on the development of running motion in female children Reviewed
Katoh Ken-ichi, Miyamaru Masashi
ⅩⅨ th congress of the International society of biomechanics, Proceedings 2003
A case study on the progress of female sprint performance Reviewed
Kyoko Inaba, Ken-ichi Katoh, Masashi MIyamaru, Shinya Kuno, Mitsugi Ogata, Yutaka Kano
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 47 ( 5 ) 463 - 472 2002.9
走運動の始まりー歩行から走運動への動作パターンの変容ー Reviewed
バイオメカニズム学会誌 26 ( 1 ) 22 - 26 2002.1
A follow-up study on the development from the walking to running motion in infancy Reviewed
ⅩⅧ th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Proceedings 2001
Effects of practice on sprint performance in physical education classes for sixth-grade elementary school children Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Yasuo Sekido, Hidemitsu Okazaki
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 45 ( 4 ) 530 - 542 2000.7
A longitudinal study on the development of running motion of girls aged sevent to fifteen Reviewed
ⅩⅦ th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Proceedings 1999.8
女子スプリンターにおける疾走能力の特徴 Reviewed
陸上競技研究 ( 37 ) 17 - 27 1999.6
小学生における短距離走の検討 -全国小学生陸上競技交流大会100mレースをもとに- Reviewed
陸上競技紀要 12 14 - 20 1999.3
小学生におけるスタートダッシュの実験的研究 Reviewed
陸上競技研究 ( 29 ) 18 - 27 1997.6
アジア女子トップスプリンターの疾走動作の特徴 Reviewed
陸上競技紀要 10 2 - 14 1997.3
A longitudinal study on the development of running motion of boys aged sevent to fifteen Reviewed
ⅩⅥ th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Proceedings 1997
A morphological study on the first appearance of running in infants Reviewed
Masashi Miyamaru, Ken-ichi Katoh
24 89 - 96 1996.2
身体重心の軌跡からみた児童の疾走動作に関する縦断的研究 Reviewed
体育科学 1995.3
Developmental of running performance and maximal anaerobic power in high school girls Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Masashi Miyamaru, Michiyoshi Ae
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 39 ( 1 ) 13 - 27 1994.5
小学校の体育授業におけるスタートダッシュの練習効果 Reviewed
橋本 毅、加藤謙一、宮丸凱史
スプリント研究 3 1 - 10 1993.8
Leg movement analysis of gold and silver medarists in men's 100 m at the World Championships in Athletics Reviewed
ⅩⅣ th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Preceedings 1993
Developmental of running performance and maximal anaerobic power in high school boys Reviewed
Ken-ichi Katoh, Takahiro Yamanaka, Masashi Miyamaru, Michiyoshi Ae
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 37 ( 3 ) 291 - 304 1992.12
一般学生の疾走能力の発達に関する研究 Reviewed
大学体育研究 1987.3
Path of the whole body center of gravity for young children in running Reviewed
BiomechanicsⅩ-B 1987
中学生の疾走能力の発達に関する縦断的研究 Reviewed
体育の科学 35 ( 11 ) 858 - 862 1985.11
宮丸凱史、加藤謙一、中村和彦、久野譜也( Role: Contributor , Area: Ⅱ部1章2, 4章1,2,3,4, Ⅲ部2章, 3章, Ⅳ部)
杏林書院 2001.3 ( ISBN:4-7644-1046-X )
石塚諭、加藤謙一、小宮秀明、中道莉央、中村有希、成家篤史、松浦佑希、山村豊( Role: Contributor , Area: 第2章、第3章)
大学教育出版 2022.3 ( ISBN:978-4-86692-188-4 )
( Role: Joint author)
誠文堂新光社 2019.2 ( ISBN:978-4-416-61870-7 )
( Role: Sole author , Area: 第2章発達のなかの子どもの身体 児童期)
明石書店 2014.12 ( ISBN:978-4-7503-4111-8 )
( Role: Joint author)
陸上競技社 2012.3
丸善 2007.1
平凡社(社)日本体育学会監修 2006.9 ( ISBN:4-582-13501-3 )
バイオメカニクス 身体運動の科学的基礎
杏林書院 2004.10
( Area: 第10章(訳))
大修館書店 1999.4
道話書院 1999.3
小学校 子どもと楽しむ体育の授業-2 これは簡単!陸上運動
( Role: Joint author)
学事出版 1998.2
( Role: Joint author)
創文企画 1997.8
( Role: Joint author)
ベースボールマガジン社 1994.5
体力テストでは測れない走能力 Invited
子どもと発育発達 18 ( 4 ) 233 - 237 2021.1
再考,運動部活動のあり方 Invited
子どもと発育発達 17 ( 2 ) 64 - 66 2019.7
走・跳・投の動きの改善は喫緊の課題である Invited
体育科教育 66 ( 10 ) 12 - 16 2018.10
体力テストの実態を理解し、よりよい運動活動につなげる Invited
コーチングクリニック 2017
新体力テストで測ることができるものとできないもの-現行のテストの問題点とその解決策- Invited
体育の科学 66巻 588 - 594 2016
子どもの動きの性差-投動作の特徴から- Invited
体育の科学 2014
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 2001.10
信学技報 2001
電子情報通信学会総合大会論文集 2000
トップジュニア選手における大腿部筋組成の経年的変化ー1992年から1993年までー Reviewed
筑波大学体育科学系紀要 ( 18 ) 141 - 148 1995.3
身体重心および脚の重心の軌跡からみた幼児の走動作の発達 Reviewed
筑波大学体育科学系紀要 ( 10 ) 299 - 310 1987.3
日本発育発達学会第19回大会 2021.3 日本発育発達学会
日本発育発達学会第18回大会 2020.5
日本発育発達学会第17回大会 2019.3
日本体育学会第69回大会 2018.8
日本発育発達学会第16回大会 2018.3
日本発育発達学会第15回大会 2017.3
2020.3 日本発育発達学会 幼児の投運動の特徴に関するキネマティクス研究ー1980年代の幼児との比較ー
2000.10 日本体育学会 ジュニアスプリンターの疾走能力の発達に関する縦断的研究
Grant number:19K11616 2019.4 - 2024.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4420000 ( Direct Cost: \3400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1020000 )
Grant number:23500672 2011.4 - 2015.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost:\960000 )
2000.4 - 2004.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
1995.4 - 1998.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)
Authorship:Principal investigator
小学校体育 S010267
2022 ( University )
運動発達特論 B100254
2022 ( Graduate School )
データサイエンス入門 G281020
2022 ( University )
運動学 S512003
2022 ( University )
運動発達論 S523005
2022 ( University )
保健体育分野卒業論文 S537016
2022 ( University )
小学校体育 S010268
2022 ( University )
体育 S101840
2022 ( University )
地域人間発達支援の実際と課題 B100027
2022 ( Graduate School )
体育 S101845
2021 ( University )
体育 S101840
2021 ( University )
小学校体育 S010268
2021 ( University )
小学校体育 S010267
2021 ( University )
陸上競技 S010265
2021 ( University )
スポーツと健康 G265020
2021 ( University )
保健体育分野卒業論文 S537016
2021 ( University )
中等保健体育科内容構成研究 S534000
2021 ( University )
運動発達論 S523005
2021 ( University )
陸上競技 S501001
2021 ( University )
幼児の健康・運動 S010259
2021 ( University )
運動学 S010266
2021 ( University )
初等体育科指導法 S010272
2021 ( University )
一般財団法人 栃木陸上競技協会 2021.4 - Present
栃木県教育委員会 2021.4 - Present
2020.6 - 2023.3
栃木県教育委員会 2020.4 - Present
動作の基本 子どものうちに Newspaper, magazine
毎日新聞 2017.10