地域創生科学研究科 博士前期課程 工農総合科学専攻 機械知能工学プログラム 准教授
地域創生科学研究科 博士後期課程 先端融合科学専攻 先端工学システムデザインプログラム 准教授
2024/05/16 更新
博士(理学) ( 2009年3月 東北大学 )
自然科学一般 / 幾何学
2005年 - 現在
Generalization of KCC-theory to fractional dynamical systems and application to viscoelastic oscillations 査読
Takahiro Yajima, Takuya Sakurada and Hiroyuki Nagahama
Physica D 464 134193 2024年
Application of Jacobi stability analysis to a first-order dynamical system: relation between nonlinearizability of one-dimensional differential equation and Jacobi stable region 査読
Yuma Hirakui and Takahiro Yajima
Journal of Physics Communications 8 035001 2024年3月
Classification of time-optimal paths under an external force based on Jacobi stability in Finsler space 査読
Takahiro Yajima and Yuna Tazawa
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 200 1216 - 1238 2024年2月
Geometric structures of micropolar continuum with elastic and plastic deformations based on generalized Finsler space 査読
Takahiro Yajima and Hiroyuki Nagahama
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 29 ( 2 ) 327 - 348 2024年2月
Linear Stability of Self-Similar Motions of Three Point Vortices in a Generalized Two-Dimensional Fluid System 査読
Takahiro Iwayama and Takahiro Yajima
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92 ( 8 ) 084401 2023年7月
Hodge duality between stress space and strain space in anisotropic media 査読
Takahiro Yajima and Hiroyuki Nagahama
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 102 ( 12 ) e202100244 2022年9月
Kosambi-Cartan-Chern Analysis of the Nonequilibrium Singular Point in One-Dimensional Elementary Catastrophe 査読
Kazuhito Yamasaki and Takahiro Yajima
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 32 ( 4 ) 2250053 2022年3月
Kosambi-Cartan-Chern Stability in the Intermediate Nonequilibrium Region of the Brusselator Model 査読
Kazuhito Yamasaki and Takahiro Yajima
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 32 ( 2 ) 2250016 2022年2月
Geometrical Classification of Self-Similar Motion of Two-Dimensional Three Point Vortex System by Deviation Curvature on Jacobi Field 査読
Hirakui Yuma Takahiro Yajima
Advances in Mathematical Physics 2021年
Geometric interpretation of maximal Lyapunov exponent based on deviation curvature 査読
Takahiro Yajima Shintaro Nakase
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 2021年1月
KCC Analysis of a One-Dimensional System During Catastrophic Shift of the Hill Function: Douglas Tensor in the Nonequilibrium Region 査読
Kazuhito Yamasaki Takahiro Yajima
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 2020年
Geometry of curves with fractional-order tangent vector and Frenet-Serret formulas 査読
Takahiro Yajima Shunya Oiwa Kazuhito Yamasaki
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 6 ( 21 ) 2019年2月
Non-holonomic geometric structures of rigid body system in Riemann-Cartan space 査読
Takahiro Yajima Kazuhito Yamasaki Hiroyuki Nagahama
Journal of Physics Communications 8 ( 2 ) 2018年
Geometric Structures of Fractional Dynamical Systems in Non-Riemannian Space: Applications to Mechanical and Electromechanical Systems 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Annalen der Physik 530 ( 5 ) 1700391 2018年3月
KCC Analysis of the Normal Form of Typical Bifurcations in One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems: Geometrical Invariants of Saddle-Node, Transcritical, and Pitchfork Bifurcations 査読
Kazuhito Yamasaki Takahiro Yajima
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27 1750145 2017年
Jacobi stability analysis and chaotic behavior of nonlinear double pendulum 査読
Shunya Oiwa Takahiro Yajima
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 14 1750176 2017年
Finsler geometry of topological singularities for multi‐valued fields: Applications to continuum theory of defects 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Annalen der Physik 528 ( 11-12 ) 845 - 851 2016年12月
Differential geometric structure of non-equilibrium dynamics in competition and predation: Finsler geometry and KCC theory 査読
Kazuhito Yamasaki Takahiro Yajima
Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories 14 ( 2 ) 137 - 153 2016年10月
Jacobi stability for dynamical systems of two-dimensional second-order differential equations and application to overhead crane system 査読
Takahiro Yajima Kazuhito Yamasaki
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 4 ( 13 ) 1650045 2016年
Fractional Calculus Approach to the Deformation Field near the Fault Zone 査読
Kazuhito Yamasaki Takahiro Yajima
Austin Journal of Earth Science 3 ( 2 ) 1018 2015年
Finsler geometry for nonlinear path of fluids flow through inhomogeneous media 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 25 ( 1 ) 1 - 8 2015年
Lotka-Volterra system and KCC theory: Differential geometric structure of competitions and predations 査読
Kazuhito Yamasaki Takahiro Yajima
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 14 ( 4 ) 1845 - 1853 2013年
Fractional-order derivative and time-dependent viscoelastic behaviour of rocks and minerals 査読
Yusuke Kawada Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Acta Geophysica 61 ( 6 ) 1690 - 1702 2013年
Geometry of stress function surfaces for an asymmetric continuum 査読
Takahiro Yajima Kazuhito Yamasaki Hiroyuki Nagahama
Acta Geophysica 61 ( 6 ) 1703 - 1721 2013年
Finsler metric and anisotropic media in seismic ray theory
Takahiro Yajima Kazuhito Yamasaki Hiroyuki Nagahama
Proceedings of G-COE Symposium 2012, Achievements of G-COE Program for Earth Planetary Dynamics and the Future Perspective 31 - 32 2012年
Differential geometric approach to the stress aspect of a fault: Airy stress function surface and curvatures 査読
Kazuhito Yamasaki Takahiro Yajima
Acta Geophysica 60 ( 1 ) 4 - 23 2012年
Geometry of surfaces with Caputo fractional derivatives and applications to incompressible two-dimensional flows 査読
Takahiro Yajima Kazuhito Yamasaki
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 ( 6 ) 065201 2012年
Finsler metric and elastic constants for weak anisotropic media 査読
Takahiro Yajima Kazuhito Yamasaki Hiroyuki Nagahama
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 ( 6 ) 3177 - 3184 2011年
Differential geometric structures of stream functions: incompressible two-dimensional flow and curvatures 査読
Kazuhito Yamasaki Takahiro Yajima Takahiro Iwayama
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44 ( 15 ) 155501 2011年
Differential geometry of viscoelastic models with fractional-order derivatives 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 ( 38 ) 385207 2010年
Tangent bundle viewpoint of the Lorenz system and its chaotic behavior 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Physics Letters A 374 ( 11-12 ) 1315 - 1319 2010年
Geometrical unified theory of Rikitake system and KCC-theory 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 71 ( 12 ) e203 - e210 2009年
Extended objects as topological singularities in non-Riemannian space
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama Miki Wadati
Proceedings of the 44-th Symposium on Finsler Geometry 78 - 81 2009年
Finsler geometry of seismic ray path in anisotropic media 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 465 ( 2106 ) 1763 - 1777 2009年
Nonlinear dynamical systems and KCC-theory 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Ny?regyh?ziensis 24 ( 1 ) 179 - 189 2008年
Geometrical invariants of Rikitake system in KCC-theory 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Tensor (New Series) 69 106 - 113 2008年
KCC-theory and geometry of the Rikitake system 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 ( 11 ) 2755 - 2772 2007年
Higher-order geometry of solitary waves in solid earth
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Proceedings of EASTEC Symposium 2007 135 - 136 2007年
A geometrical approach to soliton systems in Kawaguchi space
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Proceedings of the 42-th Symposium on Finsler Geometry 42 - 45 2007年
Kawaguchi space, Zermelo’s condition and seismic ray path 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 8 ( 1 ) 130 - 135 2007年
Physical fields, soliton systems and Kawaguchi space 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Analele ?tiintifice ale Universit??ii "Al.I.Cuza" din Ia?i, Matematica 53 343 - 355 2007年
Seismic ray theory for structural medium based on Kawaguchi and Finsler geometry 査読
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Earthquake Source Asymmetry, Structural Media and Rotation Effects 2006年
Seismic ray paths in anisotropic medium based on higher-order geometry
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
EOS Transactions AGU, Fall Meeting Supplement Abstract 87 S43B-1391 2006年
Seismic ray path in an anisotropic medium from a view point of Finsler geometry
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Proceedings of the 41-th Symposium on Finsler Geometry 41 - 47 2006年
Differential geometry of nonlinear dynamical system: Rikitake dynamo system and Lorentz model
Takahiro Yajima Hiroyuki Nagahama
Geophysical Research Abstract 8 06524 2006年
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