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Institute for Promotion of Research Center for Weed and Wildlife Management
Life Science / Plant molecular biology and physiology, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Crop production science
School of Agriculture Department of Agrobiology and Bioresources
Life Science / Plant molecular biology and physiology, Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Science in plant genetics and breeding
Institute for Promotion of Research Center for Bioscience Research and Education
Life Science / Plant molecular biology and physiology, Life Science / Applied biochemistry
Institute for Promotion of Research Center for Bioscience Research and Education
Life Science / Plant molecular biology and physiology, Life Science / Bioorganic chemistry
School of Engineering Department of Fundamental Engineering / Material and Environmental Chemistry Course
Nanotechnology/Materials / Optical engineering and photon science, Life Science / Molecular biology, Life Science / Developmental biology, Life Science / Plant molecular biology and physiology, Life Science / Biophysics
Institute for Promotion of Research Center for Bioscience Research and Education
Life Science / Molecular biology, Life Science / Plant molecular biology and physiology, Life Science / Applied molecular and cellular biology